Can Innovation and Direct Engagement Bring European Democracy Back to the People?
A joint event of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and
the Mission of Switzerland to the EU, with a book presentation by N. Nuspliger
Niklaus Nuspliger, author of „Europa zwischen Populisten-Diktatur und Bürokraten-Herrschaft“ (“Europe between Populist Dictatorship and Bureaucratic Rule”) identifies two main reasons for the European democracy crisis. On the one hand, citizens in the “institutional jungle” of the EU have lost the overview and possibility to influence. On the other hand, representative democracy has generally fallen into crisis, therefore fueling a sense of disempowerment among citizens. This results in the loss of confidence in the institutions, growing political apathy, the declining performance of traditional people’s parties, but also political polarization and fragmentation. Nuspliger offers ways out of this dilemma between authoritarianism and technocracy, through stronger and more innovative direct involvement of citizens.
This event will discuss the state of the union, forms of democratic innovation, as well as direct participation by citizens as a way to bring European democracy back to the people.
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Registration: 12:00h
Event & Light Lunch: 12:15 – 14:00h
Venue: Swiss Mission to the EU, Place de Luxembourg 1, 1050 Brussels
Kindly register for this event by 13 May 2019 at *
Urs Bucher
Head of the Swiss Mission to the EU
Thomas Ilka
Director European Dialogue,
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Niklaus Nuspliger
Author, Brussels Correspondent of NZZ
Alexander Miesen
President, Parliament of the German-speaking Community
Simona Pronckute (tbc)
Board member, ECI Campaign
Valentina Pop
Brussels correspondent, Wall Street Journal
The event will be accompanied by simultaneous interpretation in German and English.